

In our ophthalmology polyclinic, refractive errors of the eye, eye diseases, eyelid and lacrimal gland diseases are diagnosed with a computerized eye examination, and eye pressure is measured with an air tonometer. With fundus examination, the diagnosis of many system diseases such as liver disorders, diabetes, brain tumors can be made. Medical and surgical treatment of many diseases related to cross eye, visual defects, eye and eyelid are successfully applied.

According to the characteristics of the patient’s complaints, in a routine eye examination, first of all, eyebrows, eyelids and sight position of the eyes are observed in terms of external appearance. With the help of computerized ORM (Autorefractometer) and retinoscope, the patient’s refraction error is measured. Visual acuities of both eyes with and without glasses are determined. In the bio-microscopy examination, the eyelashes, conjunctiva, cornea and other anterior segment elements of the eye are carefully examined. The eye pressure is then measured.

Refraction Defects

Images of light and objects reach the visual point on the retina by refracting the transparent layer of the eye (cornea) and the lens layer. In a normal eye, the rays coming from the outside are refracted in the cornea and lens and fall into the macula, providing a clear image.

The most important symptoms of refractive errors are poor vision, pain, and discomfort in the eyes. The names given to the defects are farsightedness (myopia), nearsightedness (hypermetropia), different horizontal or vertical refractors of the eye (astigmatism), and age-related nearsightedness (presbyopia).

There are several alternatives so that people with refractive errors can see clearly. With appropriate glasses, lenses or excimer laser treatment, refractive errors can be corrected. Eye examination can reveal symptoms of retinal detachment, hypertension, brain tumor and various diseases in the body.

Cataract Treatment (Phacoemulsification)

Cataract is the loss of transparency of the natural lens in the eye. It occurs at a rate of 90% due to age, but it can be seen in any age group, including infants. Painless vision loss, glare or increased sensitivity to light, pale and yellowing colors, and deterioration of night vision are common symptoms of cataracts.

The only treatment for cataract is surgery. Cataract surgery is performed in our hospitals with the latest method FAKO (Phacoemulsification) technique developed in the world. The quality and type of the lens implanted in the eye are the most important factors affecting the success of the surgery.

Glaucoma Treatment (Eye Pressure)

Glaucoma occurs as a result of structural obstruction in the canals that drain the intraocular fluid, and the resulting increase in intraocular pressure. The increased eye pressure damages the optic nerve and causes nerve death. An insidious increase in eye pressure, which does not cause any symptoms, is a disease that can cause sudden blindness. Blurred vision, severe eye pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, and blur vision are among the signs of glaucoma.

Regular eye exams performed by your doctor are the most effective way to detect glaucoma. Vision loss due to glaucoma is irreversible. Drop therapy, laser surgery (argon laser) and surgical interventions are applied to prevent further losses. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Nerve Fiber Analyzer (NFA), corneal pachymetry and computerized visual field are applied as examination methods to determine the condition of the optic nerve.

Pediatric Ophthalmology

The Pediatric Autorefractometer, which we use in some of our clinics, has facilitated the examination of children. For the measurement, it will be sufficient for the patient to look at an illuminated disc from a distance of only XXX meter. Routine examinations are required in newborns, 1 year old and 3 years old. Especially for children with a family history of eye disorders, examinations in early diagnosis and treatment are of great benefit.


The deterioration of the parallelism of the eyes when looking at a point is called strabismus. Causes of strabismus may be needing eyeglasses but not using them, abnormality in the muscles that move the eye, congenital and neurological problems.

Shift Patterns:

  • Shift inward (Esotropia)
  • Shift outward (Exotropia)
  • Shift downward (Hypotropia)
  • Shift upward (Hypertropia)

The aim of strabismus treatment is to improve vision, correct head position, double vision, provide eye movements and eliminate aesthetic complaints. Strabismus is treated with surgical methods.

Doctors of the Relevant Department:

Sur. Dr. Mesut TOĞAÇ