Check Up

Check-ups are health screening tests that determine risk factors and take precautions for possible diseases. Thanks to Check Up, all risks that may turn into a disease are detected and measures can be taken against these risks.

Why is Check Up necessary?

Many diseases may show symptoms in the late period, and it may be late for diagnosis. Early diagnosis is vital in all diseases. By having regular check-ups, asymptomatic diseases can be diagnosed at an early stage and these diseases can be brought under control without delay. Therefore, it is possible to say that checkup is vital.

Things to Know Before Having a Check Up

  • Check-Up programs can be made every day except Sunday.
  • For Check-Up programs, come hungry between 08:30 and 09:00 (at least 12 hours). (Even water should not be drunk)
  • It is recommended that you bring your previous test results with you, if any.
  • It should be kept in mind that urine samples given during the menstrual period may not be suitable for a healthy test.
  • If you are using iron medication, it should be discontinued 48 hours before.
  • Red meat, broccoli, radish should not be eaten for the last 48 hours.
  • The duration of Check-Up programs varies between 1 hour and 4 hours, depending on the program chosen.
  • Our patient consultant will accompany you throughout the entire Check-Up program.
  • You can get information and make appointments about Check-Up programs by calling 444 2 999.

You can review Check Up Programs from the side menu.